2048 Privacy Policy

You are very welcome to visit the "2048" (hereinafter referred to as the software). In order to allow you to use the services and information of this website with peace of mind, I hereby explain to you the privacy protection policy of this website to protect your rights and interests. Please read the following contents in detail:

1. Scope of application of privacy protection policy

Privacy protection policy content, including how this website handles personally identifiable data collected when you use the website services. The privacy protection policy does not apply to related linked websites other than this website, nor does it apply to people who are not entrusted or involved in the management of this website.

2. Collection, processing and utilization of personal data

This software does not collect personal data. Such as name, nickname, address, work address, home phone number, mobile phone, instant messaging account, online platform account application, communication and household registration address, e-mail address, etc.
Since this software does not collect personal data, there is no derivative processing and utilization method.

3. Data protection

This software does not collect personal knowledge.
This software can record the information after barcode recognition, and the record is stored in the mobile phone, and the user can delete it at any time. This software has no backup for this data.

4. The website's external links

The pages of this website provide network links to other websites. You can also click to enter other websites through the links provided by this website. However, the linked website does not apply to the privacy protection policy of this website. You must refer to the privacy protection policy of the linked website.

5. Policies for sharing personal data with third parties

This website will never provide, exchange, rent or sell any of your personal data to other individuals, groups, private enterprises or public authorities, but those with legal basis or contractual obligations are not limited to this.
The circumstances of the proviso in the preceding paragraph include but are not limited to:
With your written consent.
The law clearly states.
To avoid dangers in your life, body, freedom or property.
Cooperation with public agencies or academic research institutions is necessary for statistical or academic research based on public interest, and the data is processed or collected by the provider and the specific party cannot be identified according to the way it is exposed.
When your behavior on the website violates the terms of service or may damage or hinder the rights of the website and other users or cause damage to anyone, the website management unit analyzes and exposes your personal data to identify, contact or take legal action. Necessary.
Beneficial to your rights.
When this website entrusts the manufacturer to assist in the collection, processing or use of your personal data, it will be responsible for the supervision and management of the outsourced manufacturer or individual.

6. Disclaimer

You clearly understand and agree that this software does not provide any express or implied warranty, statement or statement of accuracy, availability, completeness or utility. This software does not guarantee the following:
(i) This software will meet your needs
(ii) The software is free from interference, timely delivery, safe and reliable or error-free
(iii) The results obtained by using this software are correct or reliable
(iv) Any products, services, information or other materials you purchase or obtain through this software will meet your expectations and
(v) Any errors in the software will be corrected. Whether you download or obtain any data through the use of the software and the software should be at your own risk and at your own risk. To the extent permitted by law, the use of this software may directly or indirectly cause any Loss, damage or injury is not legally liable.

7. Amendment to the Privacy Protection Policy

The privacy protection policy of this website will be revised at any time according to the needs, and the revised terms will be published on the website.